This afternoon, as a way of tricking my brain into thinking it's scarf-weather outside, I made steel-cut oats for the first time. My mom suggested them to me a while back, and I've wanted to try them ever since. So I picked up some oats at Trader Joe's and got to cookin'.

(Bytheway, how cute is this can of oats?! It looks like it jumped right out of a 1930s' Irish know...because I'm so familiar with 1930s' Ireland.)
Let me tell you, these are not your normal oats. They took a good half an hour to cook fully, and that's not including the time it took me to clean up the messy aftermath of the pot boiling over. But, I cooked a big batch which should last me for a while, and from the little I tried this afternoon, I think I'm going to like them. It's grainier and harder than the oatmeal that I'm used to, and they're gonna taste amazing with some brown sugar and dried cranberries on a cold day...
So come on, weather. Just cool down a little so I can fully appreciate these oats!
you're so cute. but, don't lie to the blogging world and pretend that you need cold weather to get excited for thanksgiving. i'm pretty sure you've been talking about thanksgiving since september.. so...