Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Nine/peppermint bark

Christmas is only nine days away. Nine!!! I completely missed the boat if I wanted to do any kind of 10 day countdown. Speaking of Nine, I am SO excited to see that movie! It looks like it will be uber-dope, because with all those Oscar winners and singing and dancing, how can you go wrong?? Plus, I hope to see it with people I love. Plop me down in a theater with some peanut M&M's and Daniel Day Lewis, and I'm a happy girl.

In the spirit of the holidays, I chose to make peppermint bark today. I've been craving it for a while, and haven't had any for two years. I found a pretty simple recipe for it here, and made it even more simple and cheap by using chocolate chips instead of chocolate bars. I put on Love Actually in the background and spent my afternoon cooking.

And if you think I didn't make this a big part of my dinner, you are sorely mistaken. SOOO good!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

updates on my life

A lot of things have gone on since my last serious post (before Thanksgiving), so here's a little catch up.

Thanksgiving was everything I was hoping it would be, and since I had been looking forward to it since FOREVER, it had a lot to live up to. I got a chance to see my family and friends, relax, and eat some amazing food. Some of the highlights:

My uncle burnt the sweet potatoes, which resulted in a hilarious two minutes of everyone panicking in the kitchen.

My dad and I made this killer chocolate pie.

I kicked everyone's butt at Apples to Apples (what what?!).

Plus, it gave me the chance to bake a pumpkin pie for the first time in my life, which I've been dreaming of for a while. It was without a doubt the best pumpkin pie I have ever tasted. This is not a joke. What made it so good? Toasted walnuts on the bottom layer, cream cheese mixed with the pumpkin, and cute leaves that I designed myself, with my dad's help. Take that Martha Stewart! Here's the recipe if you want to try it out.

And a couple of weeks ago, I got to go to San Diego to see my lovely friend Amanda who I haven't seen since Spain.

And here I am, almost done with the semester and taking care of some holiday business before I go home. It's flown by, as usual, and I can only thank God that I've gotten through it. On to make some Christmas goodies (coming soon)!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

really quick...

Finals are coming up, so of course I've been doing everything I can to put off studying. Currently looking at WeHeartIt, and here's what I've decided...

In my dream life, I'd live here:

and my boyfriend would be this guy:

and I'd be this cute all the time:

and I would be able to incorporate this into every meal: