Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Nine/peppermint bark

Christmas is only nine days away. Nine!!! I completely missed the boat if I wanted to do any kind of 10 day countdown. Speaking of Nine, I am SO excited to see that movie! It looks like it will be uber-dope, because with all those Oscar winners and singing and dancing, how can you go wrong?? Plus, I hope to see it with people I love. Plop me down in a theater with some peanut M&M's and Daniel Day Lewis, and I'm a happy girl.

In the spirit of the holidays, I chose to make peppermint bark today. I've been craving it for a while, and haven't had any for two years. I found a pretty simple recipe for it here, and made it even more simple and cheap by using chocolate chips instead of chocolate bars. I put on Love Actually in the background and spent my afternoon cooking.

And if you think I didn't make this a big part of my dinner, you are sorely mistaken. SOOO good!

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